Why not change the age-old feeling of l
oath and reluctance towards tests, at least towards the short tests?
... and I know what some may say: 'It's against the rules!', 'How outrageous!", "I can't believe it!", "Impossible!", etc. etc.
but my suggestion is very simple and it goes:
In what way can it be a prize, you're asking?
Let me make it clear to you.
At the beginning of a lesson / a task you should tell your students that they're going to be given a prize if they (here is the space for your reason). It may be self-discipline, a task they managed to do well, anything else you believe it's worth it.
The prize will be a short test but they will be provided with ALL the items that will appear on the short test (it may be 10 words you REALLY want them to learn, a translation of 5 sentences you REALLY want them to know - which e.g. are very useful to communicate in English or are great examples of the grammar point you've just practiced, anything which you find necessary for your students to learn.) You shouldn't choose the items at random.
For your students it will be a great opportunity to get a good mark and for you a great chance to ensure that the key points of what you teach during the lesson are mastered by them.
Remember to use it wisely, though. It should be an incentive, not a routine so
- present it to your students as a great deal;
- don't overuse it;
- inform students about the possibility of such a prize BEFORE the work they need to do to get the prize;
- make it clear what you expect from them.
Does it convince you? Have you ever tried it?